Site: Rothay Park, Ambleside, South Lakeland, LA22 9DG

Budget: £160,000

Age Range: All Ages & Abilities

Date Opened: 22-December-2016

Ranges: Kanope

South Lakeland District Council was looking for a partner to create a Destination Park, that would sit within the beautiful location of Ambleside in the Lake District. The Park needed to attract families and cater to a wide age range from toddlers through to teenagers. The Council wanted the park to blend into the surroundings but also to spark imagination, be fun and exciting for the user.

The project immediately inspired Proludic’s designers, finding inspiration from the surrounding architecture such as the Church. Using some of the shapes and colours throughout the design. Further consultation with the local primary school gave Proludic even more ideas. Proludic created a Jungle adventure that was exciting and allowed children to use their imagination to create their own stories. The park sits harmoniously within its surroundings.

Proludic’s design blew us away, we had never had such a landslide agreement when awarding a project! Proludic worked in partnership with the council really listening to our needs, the public couldn’t be any happier as neither can we!

South Lakeland District Council

Photo Gallery

If you have a play project that you would like to discuss then please contact us on 0115 982 3980 or email us at