Article published on 13 July 2015

Proludic is pleased to share a great recent project installation in Cambridgeshire that we helped design and install with Willingham Action Group (WAG) and that shows what can be achieved with a dedicated team behind it.

Led by 5 local ‘mums’, a special project team of the aptly named Willingham Action Group (WAG) was best placed to understand the demand for a new play facility in the rapidly growing village with an increasing level of new couples and young children. The group says that the project hopes to provide the young in the village with somewhere to play, meet, communicate, enjoy their child life, and be proud of their village.

In an area where funding has previously been known to be scarce, the group worked tirelessly, in conjunction with the Parish Council, to secure local development funds. The WAG Project Team also called upon generous local businesses/contributors to ensure the project, initially planned as far back as 2009, could be realised.

The project has been split into 2 phases, and the first phase has just been completed. Meeting with high praise already, Phase 1 required £120k of funding and constitutes the bulk of the development, with a substantial new Under 5s playground area, an exciting Explorer Zone including a huge 6ft climbing net, a double rope hydra swing, a 360 pendulum swing as well as a Trim Trail for all ages.

Project Manager for WAG, Caroline Hyde said “we have worked on this for the last 3 years so it’s amazing to finally see our hard work being enjoyed by parents and children alike – we hope we have designed something for all ages and it was certainly a much-needed facility for Willingham’s growing population”.

The new playground was officially opened on Sunday 12th July to great delight from all the children and parents that visited. 


Theale’s combined MUSA and play area show off Proludic’s design skills

Article published on 27 April 2023

In 2021, Theale Parish Council embarked on a journey to upgrade its outdoor play area facilities on the recreation ground. The Council decided to replace the existing playground and provide more facilities for older children, teenagers and adults while reducing anti-social behaviour and combatting obesity in the process. Proludic was selected not only to produce...

Inclusive Play arrives on the Common

Article published on 15 March 2023

Lambeth Council identified a need to provide a fully inclusive playground for children living in the locality of Clapham Common. Existing play provisions in the area did not meet the needs of all users. Lambeth aspired to design an inclusive play area that would achieve a PiPA (Plan Inclusive Play Areas) gold award recognising a...