Site: 3 Fryers Lane, High Wycombe, HP12 3AN
Client: Buckinghamshire Council
Budget: £160,000
Age Range: Toddler, Junior
Date Opened: April 2022
Ranges: Ka’Yop, Vivarea
Desborough Recreation Ground in High Wycombe recently underwent a renovation as the old play area was looking dated and lacked an identity with its play equipment choices.
The main goal of this outdoor playground project was to create a fun and inclusive playground with inclusive play equipment that would appeal to children of all ages and abilities. One of the key features of the new play area is its diverse range of play equipment that has been installed. Proludic used their creativity and imagination to redesign the play area to ignite children’s imaginations by applying forest and animal nature themes to the space to reflect the playground’s surroundings.
The new play area now caters to over 100 users at one time and offers over 60 play values for the children to try out.
The new facility also includes a variety of inclusive play equipment, such as an accessible inclusive playground roundabout (J2406) and a pod swing (J441). A panel educational game ‘Can you find the forest friends?’ matches the theme of the space. The focal point of the play area is a 4-meter high dynamic Ka’Yop (J56002) multiplay structure, new for 2021 the item reflects nature in its design and caters to older junior children.
For the younger children, Proludic has installed an easily accessible Vivarea (J3338) multiplay unit that offers various play values including a unique roller.
Photo Gallery
If you have a play project that you would like to discuss then please contact us on 0115 982 3980 or email us at