Article published on 23 February 2015

Engaging girls into sport
Engaging girls into sport

When the This Girl Can campaign burst onto our TV screens over the last few months, we thought it was an amazing campaign long overdue.

If you are not aware This Girl Can is a national campaign developed by Sport England and a wide range of partnership organisations. It’s a celebration of active women up and down the country who are doing their thing no matter how well they do it, how they look, or even how red their face gets. It basically celebrates and applauds women and girls getting involved in physical activity.

Proludic wholeheartedly supports this ethos. Currently, 4 in 10 girls aged 2 – 15 years are not doing the required amount of physical activity. This is a problem that we need to address – as the This Girl Can campaign is doing a great job of.

In 2008 we highlighted this issue at Proludic through our MUSA guide. MUSA stands for Multi-Use Sports Area and we felt by offering local authorities the opportunity to put in a mixture of dynamic and sport-related equipment rather than just a traditional MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area); it would be more beneficial to engaging and reaching out to girls.

In our own research, we found MUGA’s although meant to be inclusive to both sexes were actually being dominated by groups of boys playing football and girls were left on the sidelines. The MUSA added the solution to this by combining dynamic sports and social fitness equipment with wheeled and ball sports – the perfect combination.

The results we have from installations were unanimous – girls wanted this type of facility and when it was installed they reacted positively. View one of our video case studies here

This Girl Can is again tapping into this phenomenon and we need to now stand behind it and keep providing play and sports solutions that are sustainable for communities, popular, provide value for money and clearly engage girls and women.

To find out more about our MUSA concept please call 0115 982 3980 or email quoting MUSA. 


How outdoor play can benefit tourism and add to the experience

Article published on 7 August 2019

Working with the leisure sector is always exciting. We love designing play areas that ensure maximum Return on Investment (ROI) and increase revenue and spend across the whole site. Through our BALPPA membership, we were excited to learn more about the Tourism Sector Deal which has just been released by the government. It sets out...

Proludic launch exciting new leisure brochure

Article published on 13 March 2019

Leading play and sports equipment manufacturer and Installer Proludic have launched an exciting new brochure focused at the leisure market, further enhancing their work in this sector. Targeting organisations such as holiday parks, pubs, health clubs, shopping centres, zoos, hotels, museums and service stations – it aims to provide the reader with helpful inspirational case...