We have created the reference J3960 in our "Swings" range. This play equipment is accessible from 1 year. It can accommodate up to 1 user.

The size of the module is: 1.93 m length, 1.52 m width, 1.51 m. high. The free fall height (FFH) is 0.90 m.

2 play functions

Swinging x1
To create movement, a child must be able to mobilise their arms, legs and torso in a coordinated fashion.
Resting x1
By resting, the child can recover from their exertions and improve their concentration before starting to play again.


Age range: 1 - 3
Number of users: 1 user
FFH : 0.90 m
Size: 1.93 x 1.52 x 1.51 m

Equipment installation

Number of installers: 2
Installation time: 02:00:00
Concrete volume: 0.20 m3
Surface: 9.50 m2
Total weight: 39.66 kg
Weight of the heaviest element: 10.08 kg

Environmental Indicators



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The products in our catalogues all comply with current European standards and are TÜV approved. Our website offers many additional configurations for which Proludic certifies compliance.
Side view
Side view
View from above
View from above


The horizontal beam of the swing

The horizontal beam of the swing is made of laminated timber, which has not been treated with chrome or arsenic. It is protected from wear and tear caused by fungi and insects.... Splinter-free, the laminate provides great strength and dimensional stability. Read more

The tubes

The tubes are made of 40mm diameter stainless steel, guaranteeing lasting durability and reliability of the equipment.

The pod swing seat for early childhood

The pod swing seat for early childhood is made of polyurethane, which ensures a comfortable seating. The swing chains are made of stainless steel.

The fixings

The fixings are made of stainless or plated steel and protected by anti-vandalism polyamide caps.